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CO2 Fractional Laser

What is Fractional CO2 laser?

It is a new technology that corrects many dermatological and cosmetic skin conditions through one procedure. The procedure corrects conditions such as superficial lesions, scars, skin texture, and wrinkles. As the laser scans the surface of the patient’s skin, it will create thousands of micro-thermal zones in the targeted areas which will promote the production of new collagen, triggering the body’s natural healing process resulting in healthier, smoother and younger-looking skin.

What is a CO2 Fractional laser treatment like?

The actual CO2 Fractional Laser procedure doesn’t take more than about 20 minutes, but in total you should expect to spend about 1.5 hours in the treatment room in order for the therapist to add the topical numbing cream and for it to work.

How soon can I see the results? How long do they last?

The results from a Fractional CO2 Laser will be visible after about one week, once the treated area of the skin (little brown scabs) will peel off. Although seeing apparent differences after 1-2 weeks, the full results come about a month after the procedure. Once the outer skin has peeled off in about a week, you will be able to see the instant results. Even though one treatment is enough to view apparent results, you will benefit from having the treatment done once every month or once every two months (depending on your skin type and condition) for about three times. The next 3 to 6 months will bring additional improvement as the deeper layers of the skin continue to heal. Results can last for several years depending on your age and skin condition.

What are the benefits?

The downtime is minimal with increased comfort and safety. Your skin will feel softer, look brighter and show more even skin tone. Other benefits of treatment may include:

  • Smoother, fresher, younger looking skin.
  • Improved tone and texture
  • Erasing of unwanted brown spots
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes

How is the CO2 fractional laser different from other laser treatments?

Before CO2 fractional laser treatments, there were two types of laser treatments: fully ablative and non-ablative. Fully ablative laser treatments involve vaporization of entire layers of skin cells at a very high temperature. This treatment is very effective but is associated with a high incidence of side effects and typically requires a lengthy healing period. Non-ablative laser treatments can have a lower incidence of side effects and little healing time, but require numerous treatments over many months and have widely variable results. Some of the fractional treatments are considered “non-ablative” (not puncturing the skin), and others are “partially ablative” (the laser penetrates the skin in “columns” rather than removing the entire skin layer.) CO2 fractional treatments combine the effectiveness of ablative lasers with the benefits of non-ablative lasers. This treatment is designed to target specific portions of damaged tissue. By creating microscopic “wounds” within the targeted areas, it triggers the body’s natural healing process accelerating the production of collagen and new, healthy skin cells.

How is the CO2 fractional laser different from other laser treatments?

Before CO2 fractional laser treatments, there were two types of laser treatments: fully ablative and non-ablative. Fully ablative laser treatments involve vaporization of entire layers of skin cells at a very high temperature. This treatment is very effective but is associated with a high incidence of side effects and typically requires a lengthy healing period. Non-ablative laser treatments can have a lower incidence of side effects and little healing time, but require numerous treatments over many months and have widely variable results. Some of the fractional treatments are considered “non-ablative” (not puncturing the skin), and others are “partially ablative” (the laser penetrates the skin in “columns” rather than removing the entire skin layer.) CO2 fractional treatments combine the effectiveness of ablative lasers with the benefits of non-ablative lasers. This treatment is designed to target specific portions of damaged tissue. By creating microscopic “wounds” within the targeted areas, it triggers the body’s natural healing process accelerating the production of collagen and new, healthy skin cells.

What are the risks of CO2 Fractional laser treatments?

Swelling and redness are the most common side effects from treatment. If swelling does occur, it is minimal and generally subsides within a day or two. The treated skin turns blackish for about a week and peels off revealing rejuvenated skin underneath. Redness generally occurs and will fade over several days. There is a very limited risk of skin pigment changes, infection or scarring..

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed depends on your goals and constraints. We work with patients to weigh the aggressiveness of treatment against the downtime associated. Typically, patients require between 2 and 6 treatments. The most aggressive approach can offer results after just one treatment. Improvement begins quickly, but continues over several months. Optimal improvement is usually visible in 3 months or longer. This time frame and treatment structure allows for complete healing and replacement of damaged tissue with new collagen and elastin, and viable healthy skin cell growth. Our experienced doctors will decide the total number of sessions after a thorough examination.

Is the CO2 Fractional Laser Treatment painful?

Most patients describe the treatment as having a “prickling” sensation. A topical anesthetic is available which makes the treatment comfortable

What precautions should I take after treatment?

You must apply sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher (UVA/UVB) after every two hours of sun exposure. Avoid direct sun exposure before the treatment, during the healing process, and for at least 3 months after treatment.

Who is the best candidate for this procedure?

There are three separate groups this treatment applies to: the younger patient with severe acne scars, the middle-aged patient with wrinkles and age spots and the older patient with wrinkles, age spots and pre-cancerous lesions.

Is it just for the face or can it be used on other areas of the body?

This laser can treat women and men of all ages and skin color. It is most commonly used on the face but can be used on neck, chest, arms and hands.

Why choose Manas Skin Clinic for CO2 fractional laser treatments?

Results and patient comfort heavily depend on physician technique, which is why our laser treatments are personally administered by our dermatologists with extensive training in laser procedures, not by a nurse, medical assistant or technician.