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PRP therapy

PRP or platelet rich plasma therapy is a process to concentrate platelets and white blood cells from a patient’s blood (autologous therapy) and to induce the release of growth factors by injecting the solution directly into the tissue target, simulating a regenerative response.

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from the patient’s own blood serum. The patient’s blood is placed in a centrifuge where each part of the blood is separated. The platelet rich plasma is isolated and used to inject into the patient’s scalp, scar or ageing skin. This PRP is rich in growth factors, multiple other wound healing and new hair follicle stimulating cells.  

What is the PRP treatment used for?

PRP is used to slow hair loss or reverse miniaturization to produce strong, visible hair again. It is used for alopecia, hair loss, acne and other scars, ageing skin and facial rejuvenation (vampire facial).

What is the treatment schedule like?

Once you have had your first treatment, you should plan to have PRP every 3-4 weeks, though the best plan would be decided by your doctor. PRP therapy can be repeated every 1-2 months and usually 3-4 sittings are sufficient, though some patients may require maintenance therapy once a year or more frequently depending upon the severity of hair loss. The visible results in form of new hair growth can be seen after 3-4 months of treatment and further improvement is noticed in the subsequent months.

What are the benefits of getting PRP treatment?

Hair loss - PRP is another way that hair growth can be stimulated, which is beneficial for patients who are not good candidates for other types of hair loss treatments, hair transplant or want faster results. You can expect new hair growth along your existing hair line and improved density, health and texture of your pre-existing hair.

Rejuvenation - PRP is used for stimulating collagen production in ageing skin, scars and stretch marks. For face treatments, you can see instant glow and freshness once the initial swelling subsides within 4-12 hours.

How soon will I see results?

We find that most of our patients will see results in 2-3 months, with most patients seeing results at 4 months. It will vary for each patient.

Will PRP work on an area that is balding?

PRP works best on areas where there is existing hair that is thinning.

Can both men and women use this treatment?

It is equally effective in both men and women and works best in patients with diffuse thinning and miniaturized hair. It is popular as ‘vampire facial’ for skin glow and rejuvenation. 

Will I experience any soreness after treatment?

Many of our patients do not have any soreness, but some may have a little swelling or soreness that will go away pretty quickly.

How long should I plan on a treatment session lasting?

Each session will take about 30-45 minutes.

How soon after treatment can I go back to my normal routine?

You can immediately resume your normal activities after treatment. However, we ask you to refrain from heavy exercise the day of your treatment.

Who Should Not Have PRP Treatment?

Although PRP is a promising therapy for most patients, there are a few special considerations. Contraindications include the following: sepsis, cancer, chemotherapy, platelet dysfunction syndrome, critical thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, hemodynamic instability, anticoagulation therapy, acute and chronic infections, chronic pathological conditions of the liver, severe metabolic and systemic disorders, and skin disease (systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, and allergies), as well as heavy nicotine, drug, and alcohol consumption.

Any side-effects?

PRP therapy is safe and natural because the procedure concentrates the cells from your own blood directly back into the area where it is needed. Hence is not rejected by your immune system and there are absolutely no chance of getting any infection, allergy or hypersensitivity. 

However one can get mild redness, bruising or headache which lasts for a day or two.